Insurance Quote Generator

Generate insurance quotes by answering a questionnaire


This project is an insurance quote recommendation platform. A customer is given a questionnaire. Based on their answers, different insurance providers are enquired and insurance quotes relevant to the customer are generated.

I was the UX designer on this project and worked with a team consisting of developers, business analysts and a UI designer. We built a responsive web app.


Research on similar platforms and user experiences revealed that users often abandoned such questionnaires because they found them time-consuming and not worth the effort.

To reduce drop-offs, users have to feel like they're spending their time constructively. To achieve this, we focused on two goals:

While our business analysts got busy with the first goal, I worked on designing the progress indicator.


In the later design stages, we concluded that some questions might branch out into a set of sub-questions as a result of the customer's previous answers. This can be visually jarring, as the progress indicator may suddenly change from "Step 4 of 7" to "Step 5 of 14".

To address this, the progress indicator will explode to show the sub-questions, while keeping the last number unchanged. This gives the impression that further time and effort needed to complete the questionnaire remains unchanged as well:


I was responsible for creating the wireframes, which were then handed off to the UI designer. Due to an NDA, I cannot showcase the original UI designs. Instead, for this case study, I created my own designs based on my wireframes.